December 05, 2016
Are you getting enough water?
Are 8 glasses of water really necessary?
Don't really care to drink a flavorless beverage?
Are you getting headaches, catching craps or maybe your urine doesn't smell or look so good?
If you have asked yourself or someone you know any of these questions this article is for you or maybe you'd just like to know some great ways to increase your health and wellness and I'm here to help get your healthy on. Our bodies depend on water for survival as the organs, cells and tissues need it to operate. Your water intake affects your bodies temperature and the lubricating of your joints. It is important to drink water because your body is mostly made up of it or should I say it is most of your body weight.
On a daily basis you lose water through such things as going to the bathroom and sweating. If you are concerned that you are not drinking enough water then try observing your urine; if it is consistently colorless or light yellow, you are most likely staying well hydrated. Dark yellow or an amber-colored urine could be a sign of dehydration. A good rule of thumb for getting enough water is to take your body weight and divide it by 1/2 (Ex. you weigh 180 lbs. divided by 2 = 90 ounces of water daily)
Reasons to Increase Water Intake
*For best results combine with 12-16 ounces of water
For more information try some of the links below: