March 16, 2023
What is beauty…
Well beauty is defined as that which pleases the intellect, moral sense, or aesthetic senses, especially the sight. When we see, hear something or someone we have already decided in our minds if it is beautiful. It is that idea (Your Idea) of beauty that causes you to turn away, tune out and/or turn off. Why because based on our idea of beauty something or someone can be intoxicating or rather repulsive. With that said beauty has always been defined by society and in this day and age it’s defined by social media and its influencers. In short if we are being honest beauty is truly defined by the beholder. Everything and everyone is beautiful to someone. We as individuals define beauty not the masses, we do most importantly define what is beautiful to SELF. The way in which you see beauty has been based as well as shaped by a combination of how you were raised, who told you, you’re beautiful/handsome or perhaps didn’t. Beauty is an experience, a feeling, an idea and again I’ll say only you can define it. It is no different than when someone choses to purchase a piece of art each piece appeals to someone differently and in various ways. What one person sees as beautiful the person to your left or right may oppose this view. Define your own definition for beauty. For me beauty is simply a healthyme mind, body, and spirit. It's defined by my ability to move, act, speak, and eat like I love myself.